Archive for Federal Firearms License

Prerequisites To Get A Federal Firearms License

A federal firearms license is issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Whether you intend to own a firearm, wish to manufacture firearms, ammunition or explosives or simply want to collect a few relics or unique firearms, everyone would require a federal firearms license to be able to do so, legally. Laws vary between states and the exact statutes and requisites would depend on the state laws. However, there are some general prerequisites that are applicable if you were to apply for a federal firearms license in the United States. » Read more..

Cal-FFL, CGF & SAF Sue County Of Alameda For Civil Rights Violations

CalGuns Foundation

CalGuns Foundation » Read more..

Have You Been Wondering, How do you get a FFL

Have You Been Wondering, How do you get a FFL license?

Are you interested in finding solid answers to your queries about getting a FFL license but arent sure where to start? Its hard to say what the future will bring when it comes to new laws concerning gun control. So what can you do about it?

Become a Federal Firearm License holder right now, before Washington takes more of those rights away. This article gives a brief explanation of the benefits of having a Federal Firearm License and provides the easiest answer to the question of how do you get a FLL license?
Benefits of finding out how to get a FFL license. » Read more..
