Congress v. Holder: Despite ‘bombshell’ wiretap, feds decline to investigate top cop (via
The Christian Science Monitor)
The Justice Department declined on Friday to investigate its own boss, Attorney General Eric Holder, for congressional contempt, even as House Republicans revealed evidence tying some of the government’s top law enforcement officers directly to the Fast and Furious “gun-walking†program, and,…
Attorney General, Furious, White House, General Eric Holder, Mexico, Holder contempt vote, Brian Terry, Justice Department, executive privilege, ATF sting operation, arresting holder, US Border Patrol, cartel boss recipients, Agent Brian Terry, local atf agents, chief republican interlocutors, wiretap, Bush-era gun-walking programs, congressional contempt, law enforcement officers, cynical fishing expedition, wiretap affidavit details, affidavits issa, Democratic committee staffer, Darrell Issa, Roll Call newspaper, broader political strategy, tighter gun controls, Second Amendment politics, congressional democrats, contempt charge, Obama White House, executive branch official, Attorney General James, National Rifle Association, officials, contempt citation, Furious wiretaps, guns, congressional probe, DOJ attorneys, audacious incarnation, congressional subpoena, DOJ decision, Congressional Record, House Republicans, controversial tactic, straw buyers, documents, wiretap letter
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