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A History Of The Federal Firearms License

About Federal Firearms License (FFL)

What is Federal Firearms License?
Federal Firearms License or FFL is the legal permission required by an individual or a company to be able to deal with firearms and ammunition. It also permits the interstate and intrastate trade of firearms. Since the Gun Control Act was enacted in 1968, FFL has been the legal requirements for any firearms and ammunition related activities within the US.

The Federal Firearms Act 1938 and the Federal Firearms License were both introduced simultaneously. FFL’s main purpose was to implement the laws under the FFA. Under the FFA, all dealers as well as manufacturers of firearms and ammunition required to have a license to commence interstate and foreign trade. The traders were only allowed to transfer any of these firearms and ammunition to a person interstate if he/she fulfilled certain requirements. However, FFA failed to affect the interstate firearms and ammunition commerce. To repeal the flaws of FFA, Gun Control Act 1968 was introduced and it dictates that any person or organization interested in dealing with firearms and ammunition must hold a Federal Firearms License, no special conditions are allowed under this act.federal firearms license

Type of FFL Usage
The usage of FFL is restricted under the following areas:
Type 1: Dealer and/or gunsmith but not for destructive devices. The holder can also deal with NFA firearms (class 3 tax stamp)
Type 2: Permission to work as a pawnbroker
Type 3: Permission to work as a C&R firearms collector
Type 6: Permission for manufacturing ammunition as well as reloading components; however, not for destructive device ammunition or armor piercing ammunition. The manufacturer is also required to register with the Department of State.
Type 7: Permission to act as both manufacturer and dealer. The individual or organization is not permitted to manufacture or deal with armor piercing ammunition, destructive device and their ammunition. Registration with the Department of State is also required.
Type 8: Permission to import firearms and ammunition. Also permits importing Title II NFA firearms (class 1 tax stamp)
Type 9: Permission for dealing all kinds of firearms, destructive devices as well as their ammunition and armor piercing ammunition.
Type 10: Permission to manufacture all kinds of firearms, ammunition and their components, destructive devices and their ammunition and armor piercing ammunition. The holder can also act as a dealer for these items.
Type 11: Permission to act as an importer and dealer of firearms, ammunition, destructive devices and their ammunition and armor piercing ammunition.

How to Get the FFL
To get your own Federal Firearms License, you must complete and post the ATF Form 7 – Application for License form in the ATF post office box listed on the form. You must also pay the proper application fees with a check, credit card or money order but not with cash. However, to be able to apply for an FFL, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
1. The applicant must be at least 21 years old
2. Does not have any past incident or activity that prohibits him/her from possessing or dealing with firearms and ammunition
3. No past record of violating the Gun Control Act
4. Cannot hide any information regarding this subject and the application
5. Has his/her own place to conduct business or collection
The applicant must also clarify the following facts:
1. The intended business is not prohibited by any kind of law where the applicant’s premise is located
2. Once the application has been approved, the business (holder) must comply with the State and local law requirements that are applicable to the business within 30 days
3. Until all the requirements under the State and local laws have been met, the holder cannot conduct business under the FFL
4. The chief law enforcement officer of where the premise is located must also be notified by the applicant that he/she intends to apply for a license
5. Must ensure that any person dealing with the license holder can offer safe storage and safety devices.

For more information about the FFL License visit
